torsdag, september 15, 2005
How to be a Successful Evil Overlord
This site gives you 100 things to think about when you become an Evil overlord. It´s quite usefull and funny
Being an Evil Overlord seems to be a good career choice. It pays well, there are all sorts of perks and you can set your own hours. However every Evil Overlord I've read about in books or seen in movies invariably gets overthrown and destroyed in the end. I've noticed that no matter whether they are barbarian lords, deranged wizards, mad scientists, or alien invaders, they always seem to make the same basic mistakes every single time
have a look
Yes here it is again
The song is of course Moscau, it´s sung by the german group Dschingis Khan it came 4th in the Eurovision song contest in 1979.
Here are the lyrics so you all can sing along.
The comments under the video are in swedish, if you want it I can put up an translation..
Click to watch it in all it´s beauty
Don´t copy that Floppy
An information video from the 90´s starring MC Disc Protector rapping the hit don´t copy that floppy
Google Adsense
I put a adsense-bar to the right mostly because I was curious which ads it would put in since it´s supposed to match the content of the site. It is quite good exept for this page
where it places ads about Iceland 90% of the time, which gets me wondering. If you know the connection to Iceland do tell me.
Oh yea If you feel like clicking the ads thats ok with me :-)
Covering the faces of suspected criminals
In Sweden most newspapers cover the faces when showing pictures of suspected criminals, but one wonders why they do it if they do such a bad job. I´ll give you an example.
This is an article about a swedish athlete that whent a little off and stole a car and crashed it into the wall of the Royal Palace, seems he is a little to fond of the Crown Princess Viktoria
The article (in swedish)
The masked picture used in the article
The unmasked picture
If they were serious about not revealing the identity of the person they ought to use no picture or do a much better job of masking it, but I suspect they kinda want us to now
They make it even easier when they use their own pictures and qoutes from their own articles
Article about a person accused of childpornography crimes and assault
A previous article about his work with abused children
Winter is coming

As a way to make up for the horrid picture I just posted I´ll put up one I took last winter. It´s up in the woods north of Mora, I really like it has cool calm over it.
onsdag, september 14, 2005
A really disturbing photo of Elijah Wood

read more on defamer
and oh yea this site feels quite right after seeing that picture
John Stewart on Crossfire
It´s great to see when John Stewart, the host of ,the Daily Show on Comedy Central,totally gives it to the hosts of CNNs Crossfire
have a look