djaknet sent you a video: "Bengt Frithiofsson full i TV"
Bengt har testat viner inför midsommarfirandet, proffs som han är har han gjort det grundligt. | |
Bengt har testat viner inför midsommarfirandet, proffs som han är har han gjort det grundligt. | |
Nicholas White was trapped in an elevator for 41 hours, that would suck.
"The world's biggest show & tell"
"Howcast is a great place to watch fun, informative how-to videos."
Etiketter: technology, video
So I´m watching Sunshine tonight, should be good since Danny Boyle made 28 days later and that was a great movie. Also it´s gotten good reviews.
tonight I´m watching 300, tell you if I liked it when I get back. Quite looking forward to it, the trailer lookes nice.
I´m watching this tonight, tell you what I thought when I get back.
Etiketter: tv, video, walker texas ranger, youtube